a white background with a geometric architectural pattern on it

Reproductive Biology Associates

Reproductive Biology Associates

Reproductive Biology Associates is Atlanta’s 30,000 square foot premier in-vitro fertilization center. Utilizing some of the most advanced technology in the world, the RBA suite design appeals to all family members. The new suite needed to appeal to the young couples seeking their services, from comfortable waiting and clinical areas to surgical areas where the “miracles” actually happen. Teaming up with Flad Architects, LeVino Jones Medical Interiors acted as the space planners and artwork, finishes & furniture specifiers for this project. Our concept for this project was “unexpected surprises”. The exam suite was designed in the “pod” concept so that patients don’t feel like they’re in a “sea” of exam rooms. Additional suites include treatment, surgery, egg donor, lab area, and staff support/ business areas. Each area is connected via corridors with custom artwork of their in-vitro process as well as a series which celebrates the “Ripple Effect” that RBA technology has on a child and family.